Mercantile Law

At GarcíaTaboada we have an extensive experience in legal advice and assistance in mercantile law, in particular we offer the following services:

Banking law

We advise and assist you in all those proceedings against banks and financial institutions, such as:

Foreclosures and executive proceedings

WHAT CAN I DO IF THE BANK START A FORECLOSURE PROCEEDING? We can resolve all your doubts about foreclosure proceedings, and we offer you assistance during the whole proceeding, ordinary executive proceeding and foreclosure proceedings, studying all the defence alternatives possible.

Unfair terms

HOW CAN I KNOW IF I AM AFFECTED BY UNFAIR TERMS? We can help you to identify the possible unfair terms in your contract with a Bank or Financial Institution, and we assist and advise you about how to initiate proceedings to void unfair terms, in claiming money, defending the interests of the consumers and users in mortgage contracts, such us “cáusula suelo, IRPH, expenses, etc.

Revolving credit cards

DO YOU HAVE A REVOLVING CREDIT CARD? If you have one of these credit cards, it is possible that the Bank or Financial Institution is charging you a very high rate of interest. In GarcíaTaboada we help and assist you in the unfair terms proceedings of this type of credit card contract, as well as claiming the money overpaid because of the application of this rate of interest.

Bankruptcy Law

We offer legal advice and assistance for the companies that are facing an insolvency situation and must start a legal bankruptcy proceeding. Also, we advise and assist those companies and businesses who have credit claims against bankrupted companies, offering you our assistance during each one of the steps of the Bankruptcy Law proceeding until its conclusion.

“Second opportunity” Law

ARE YOU OVERWHELMED WITH YOUR DEBTS AND DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO? Renegotiation of your loans may be the solution. We offer legal advice and assistance to people with debt problems, and are qualified and regulated to negotiate to make those debts manageable. If the worst happens, we can guide you through the process of personal bankruptcy and have your debts rescinded through the application of the “second opportunity” Law.

Company Law

WHAT STEPS DO I NEED TO FOLLOW TO CONSTITUTE A COMPANY? We offer full advice in all the issues that need to be taken into consideration during the life of a company, writing and update of the statutes; capital increase and reduction; transmissions of shares – every legal issue that may arise during the normal activity of the company.


We assist and advice in law about all the legal issues that might affect the company in its professional activity, which includes writing the whole range of contracts that will regulate its relationships with other companies, such as: Franchise contract; Agency contract; Cooperation contract; Management of tourist apartments contract, Sales contract, etc.

Industrial and intellectual property

SHOULD I REGISTER MY BRAND? We offer the best services of assistance, advice and defence in law, in cases of conflicts between brands, and we assist and guide you during all the legal procedure of the registration of the brand in the official register of brands and patents.